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How Do How Big Do Black Tail Melons Get

Wondering how big a chinchilla gets is a common concern for anyone who hasn't owned a chinchilla, and is considering adopting a chinchilla soon.

I was the same way and was completely clueless.

I've owned a female chinchilla now for over 5 years, and here's what I can tell you on this topic.

So, how big do chinchillas get? Long-tailed chinchillas typically are considered full-grown between 8/10ths of a 1lb and 1lb. Short-tailed chinchillas are larger and are full-grown between 2 and 3lbs. Short-tailed chinchillas will range from 11-19 inches in length, and long-tailed chinchilla will range from 9-15 inches in length.

Sizing, Weight, and Length Chart of How Big Chinchillas Will Grow

Type of Chinchilla Average Length Average Weight
Short-Tailed Chinchilla 11-19 Inches 2 LBS- 3.2 LBS
Long-Tailed Chinchilla 9-15 Inches 8/10th of 1 LB- 1.1 LBS

In addition to explaining how big chinchillas get, I also wanted to answer other frequently asked questions about chinchilla growth and how big you can ultimately expect a chinchilla to grow.


Here's what I intend to break down for you in today's post.

  • How Big Is A Full-Grown Chinchilla? How Big Do Chinchillas Get?
  • How Long Does It Take A Chinchilla to Be Fully Grown?
  • Baby Chinchilla Sizing and Growth
  • What Changes as Chinchillas Grow?
  • Provide Adequate Space For Your Chinchilla As They Grow
  • Keeping Tabs On Your Chinchilla's Growth
  • Chinchillas Don't Grow Very Big But Demand Big Space

As stated previously, the table above will break down the averages when it comes to the size of a chinchilla for you.

If, however, you have 2-minutes to spare, we recommend checking out the full post directly below.

It will help you to provide the best care possible to your chinchilla by educating yourself on proper precautions to always keep in mind.

How Big Is A Full-Grown Chinchilla? How Big Do Chinchillas Get?

Chinchillas do not get very big and make for fantastic pets.

As we know from the table above, there is a size difference between short and long-tailed chinchillas.

Your short-tailed chinchillas are typically going to be roughly ½ a pound larger than your long-tailed chinchillas in addition to a few inches longer.

It's rare that a chinchilla will exceed the weights that we discussed previously above.

If they do, it's likely that a diet change may need to be made to ensure your chinchilla is intaking the correct nutrients and growing properly.

My chinchilla is just a tad under 1lb and is fully grown at 5 years old if this helps give you a better idea of what you are working with.

The fur on a chinchilla can also cause them to appear larger than they really are.

It is one of the reasons individuals often mishandle chinchillas thinking they are larger but in reality, their dense fur is soft, and under that fur is a small framed rodent.

How Long Does It Take A Chinchilla to Be Fully Grown?

Chinchillas mature and grow quickly.

A chinchilla is considered full-grown at 8-months old.

Some chinchillas may be slightly delayed on this timeline based on diet and the care they are provided.

Overall, within 1 year of owning a new chinchilla, your chinchilla should be at max size and as big as a chinchilla will grow.

Baby Chinchilla Sizing and Growth

Man, those baby chinchillas are about as cute as it gets.

Although small and fragile, they are something to show off to friends a family.

A baby chinchilla is much smaller than a full-grown chinchilla.

Overall, a baby chinchilla will weight approximately 25-80 grams.

Most of this seems to be from their beautiful and full coats of fur.

Throughout the first 8 months, they will continue to grow until they reach their mature body size.

During this time, it is important to ensure they are being provided all of the correct nutrients and a balanced diet to ensure they grow and mature properly.

This will consist of being provided nutrients from their mother in the beginning and they will slowly transition to pellets and hay.

What Changes as Chinchillas Grow?

Overall, not much changes as your chinchilla grows and matures.

Except in the beginning.

In the early stages, a baby chinchilla still needs to remain with their mother for 6-8 weeks.

You can read more about chinchilla breeding and reproduction here.

The female mother chinchilla nurtures the baby chinchillas, also known as "kits" and ensures they nurse and get the nutrients and care they need for roughly 2 months.

Following this stage, your chinchilla will transition to a regular diet consisting of pellets and timothy hay as mentioned previously.

Once they have switched to this diet, it remains their recommended diet for the rest of their lifespan, which can range from 15-20 years.

Provide Adequate Space For Your Chinchilla As They Grow

Now that we know how big a chinchilla gets, how do we make sure they are adequately cared for?

The first thing you must do is ensure you are proving a large enough chinchilla cage.

I have a post that you can see here that breaks this down for you in-depth.

I personally am still an advocate of the Critter Nation 2 chinchilla cage (Link to Amazon)

It's dual levels, plenty of space, and allows your chinchilla to maximize their desire to jump and climb on everything.

It's undoubtedly an awesome and one of the best chinchilla cages to consider.

I have a full review of the Critter Nation 2 cage you can see here.

Outside of this, you need to ensure you keep your chinchillas' diet in check.

Make sure you stick with the recommended chinchilla hay and only use pellets designed explicitly for chinchillas.

Keeping Tabs On Your Chinchilla's Growth

Shockingly, keeping tabs on your chinchilla's growth is something that's recommended, and that should be completed.

Luckily, scales exist that are designed to help you weigh your chinchilla.

Doing so lets you spot fluctuations and potential issues early before an illness or issue has time to progress further.

Use a scale such as the Digital Pet's Scale (Link to Amazon)

A chinchilla becoming overweight or underweight is a real concern to take seriously.

Weighing your chinchilla every month or two, let's you understand if you have an issue to deal with on your hands.

Simply double-checking makes sure everything seems reasonable and you will be in great shape.

If you do notice any issue, contact a Vet as soon as possible so you can find the root of the problem.

Chinchilla's Don't Grow Very Big But Demand Big Space

I know you arrived here initially for a quick and straightforward answer as to how big a chinchilla will ultimately get.

Hopefully, that was provided, and additional insight was shed on what you can expect as your chinchilla grows.

They are friendly and extremely affectionate pets.

Take ethical care of them, and they will undoubtedly love you back.

Chili and I wish you the best of luck with your chinchilla's and the journey you have ahead of you.

How Big Did Your Chinchilla Grow?

As always, I want my readers to chime in and share their insights and knowledge on a topic.

What other precautions do you take to keep your chinchilla's growth and weight in check?

What other information can you shed on this topic?

Be sure to share your thoughts, concerns, and stories by dropping a comment below.

As always, Chili and I appreciate you stopping by and reading.

We will see you next time!

How Do How Big Do Black Tail Melons Get
